DramaticDetox™ and The Vital Self by Char Tara Albert
Part 1. Cellular rather than Intestinal Detoxification
We are all familiar with agents that purge the body through the bowels. That can be useful at times however, the deeper, more lasting form of detoxification, works on a cellular level to increase the ability of cells to release toxins and absorb nutrients. Total body energy, the macrocosm of who we are, is a result of the microcosm of day to day cell respiration. If accumulated toxins from our environment, foods or water inhibit cellular respiration than eventually we will feel sad and chronically fatigued. To prevent dysfunction and disease and maintain “The Vital Self” which is really the natural state of health, we are wise to follow these guiding principles which apply to everyone.
- Digestion – Eat what you can digest and digest what you eat. To maintain proper cellular vitality, we must keep nutrients in solution by being properly hydrated with decent food and good quality water. Poor quality food turns into an acid ash in the body and turns the body sour. Digestion will fail. Digestion from the stomach all the way through the bowels is pH dependent. Anger or even a low-level of anxiety can also distort pH balance and digestion. Protect your right to proper digestion and don’t overload your system by over-eating and avoid eating when upset.
- Exercise – Nothing can replace the need to freely move and breathe the body into wellness. Sitting is now called the “new smoking” as sitting for long periods each day has been found to shorten the lifespan more than smoking cigarettes. Walking outside in the natural light and breathing fresh air with an unencumbered mindset is most important. Secondly, yoga produces plentiful results by both lengthening and strengthening the muscles simultaneously plus the emphasis on deep breathing. Read about reasons to practice yoga.
- Diet – Eat food that is freshly cooked! This is the number one rule. Processed foods lose their vitality quickly. The oils in premade foods turn rancid quickly. Plastics from the factory conveyer belts and tubes taint the food. These are not listed on the label. Avoid GMO’s and additives. For more info on how to avoid GMO’s visit: https://responsibletechnology.org/gmo-education/gmos-in-food/
- Herbs & Supplements – This is a vast subject however the simple approach is to cook with healthy, organic if possible, herbs and spices that assist digestion. Garlic, ginger, turmeric, fennel seed, coriander seed, cinnamon, cardamom, basil, thyme, rosemary, cumin and parsley are a few of my favorites.
- Seaweeds – Eating seaweeds everyday will safeguard your Vital Self by providing an abundance of trace minerals that your enzyme and endocrine systems depend on. These elements are often missing from our diets due to non-organic farming practices. Dulse flakes can be added to many foods without altering the taste. My favorite is to stew kelp fronds in a small pot for 25 minutes. Drain. Cut the kelp into small bite sized pieces and arrange on a clay baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for another 25 minutes until dry. Check frequently to prevent burning. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator and enjoy as is or in recipes.
- Superfoods – Include superfoods in your diet such as goji powder, maca root, spirulina powder, sunflower lecithin, acacia fiber and organic beet powder. There are many choices and it’s fun to experiment with making smoothies and sauces to boost your energy levels naturally.
DramaticDetox is a realistic approach to increase nutrient intake and absorption while removing the obstacles to improved health of the Vital Self. It is possible to rekindle the fires of youth! It all begins with a child-like, joyful, creative attitude towards care of the body. When we align our heart this way, our Vital Self will shine forth and solutions will present themselves.
I love this statement by Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity International. “I fairly sizzle with zeal, energy, and enthusiasm; eager to do that which ought to be done by me today.” Just take one day at a time, a few shifts here and there with your new approach and know that when we believe in our inherent power to heal and rejuvenate, the life force within us will respond like-wise.
DramaticDetox™ Phone Consultations – $45 per hour – payable via PayPal
Email Char Tara or use the Contact form