WaveDancz™ Transformative Yoga & Movement Therapy
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WaveDancz is a dynamic way to move encouraging the full expression of vital energy through the physical, emotional and mental body. Guided exercises use the rhythm of the breath and or music to facilitate tuning into one’s heart, its needs, joys and unexpressed, deeper passions. Students are encouraged to move “whole-heartedly”, to soften inside and open the five sensory organs of perception. The potential is to flow into a state of radical aliveness and body-mind oneness, truly accepting ourselves. Continually opening to greater flows of energy creates an emotional cleansing whereby suppressed emotional or mental material maybe released. Anxiety is suppressed emotion. With letting go comes relaxation, increased sensation, feelings of renewal and heightened enjoyment of each moment.
WaveDancz is not a performing art, where the ego can shine or suffer, although WaveDancz practice is excellent as a training aide for performers or athletes. WaveDancz is designed to assist traveling into the dimensions of the unconscious, the hidden aspects of personality, dreams and desires. The focus is within, for self-discovery, self-healing and removal of obstacles impeding success. Instead of investing energy into looking good, one can relax and shift gears into a deeper, more relaxed brain wave state, a state of “non-ordinary” consciousness that can feel blissful at times.
While the practice is taught in a class or workshop, the grander perspective is how WaveDancz principles can be practiced in everyday life. The WaveDancz of consciousness is continuous. Simple actions like cooking food or preparing to bed down for the night are a dance on the sublime wave of human experience, much like the components of a good story where plots are unfolding, meaning becomes concealed then revealed, with us falling in or out of love and then rising above it all to breathe a sigh of relief.
Quantum physics suggests that atoms are not “things” they are merely thoughts oscillating in and out of known manifestation or as the popular movie, What the Bleep Do We Know expresses, energy is constantly bleeping in and out of the tangible dimension. A physicist in the movie asks, “where does it (the quantum particle) go when is disappears?” Is our manifest world just the perceivable part of a vast ocean of conscious life? I believe we are each one drop in the ocean of pulsating life and innately connected to the entire universe of creation. It appears that each particle is a hologram of the whole, that everything that ever was is recorded in the fraction. Could it be possible that we have access to universal wisdom, to the infinite, and to a power greater than even our wildest imagination?
Embodiment as an Expansion of Felt Energy
If, in utter abandonment, we find a way of releasing our long-held tensions, we may notice an expansion of senses. Our five senses become more potentized. We become more present to our immediate environment. We can move our attention from a racing mind to dropping down into the pleasure of the body. We then feel the universal wave supporting us and this energy has a feeling of velocity! This greater energy forges new channels within our body and mind, breaking us out of our mechanistic ruts. Personality defense mechanisms tend to become entrenched during times of stress. Often the mind has difficulty letting go even after the trauma has passed. As we become more poised, we realize we have the choice to release these old patterns.
An inner splendor awaits us, a wider sphere. As open-minded beings, our faces relax, our neck muscles release and our dreams grow brighter. WaveDancz is an evidence-based method you can test out for yourself. We can retrain the body/mind to flow with grace, delight and intensity, a delicious balance. In any moment, if we feel stuck we can simply accept what is happening, stop resisting the experience and choose a method to embody. Be inquisitive, childlike and explore!
Our luscious, loving heart holds the key to relieve not only our own suffering, but that of others. Instead of adding to the burden of life we can all turn our struggles into gifts to help other people, animals and the plants. The healing process starts with a clear intention to try something new, to branch out! New and more effective communications between our conscious and unconscious mind can arise from this fertile ground of creativity. We have the power to shift our own conflict and those of others when we apply mindfulness and kindness while feeling connected to the whole of life.
WaveDancz Yogic-Inspired Methods
WaveDancz exercises utilize traditional Yoga movements called Asanas, in the Sanskrit language, for the many established health and mental benefits including increased mobility and strength, endocrine balance, calming the nerves, focusing the mind and improving sleep. [Read more.] WaveDancz movements oscillate between still-like poses held for a few breaths to rhythmic undulating actions resembling dance. Breathing techniques are highly emphasized and often combined with vocalization, affirmations and song. Songs, chants or short musical sequences are used to explore the emotional body for signs of revelation. Affirmations are spoken to entrain the brain to build energy and achieve desired outcomes. WaveDancz sonic exercises integrate visualization of colors with breath and vocal practice. Outward illustrations, Char Tara’s Back to the Light Visionary Art may assist the imagination to explore new inner dimensions.
Historical records show that Asanas have been practiced for thousands of years. Each Asana is akin to an ancient geometric pattern comprised of a precise mathematical equation in form and design. My sense is that thousands of years of Asana practice have installed the poses as real archetypes on some subtle archetypal level, to be accessed as vehicles for learning, inner travel and expansion of consciousness. Experiencing the wisdom of each Asana is ever fresh as the body continues to grow and unfold like a flower that drinks from the earth and opens to receive the morning sun.
The structure of each Asana causes energy to flow with greater volume along certain lines as blood, lymph, fluids and bio-electric energies expand or are compressed. Each Asana also has a focal point where energy magnetically flows into and out of. WaveDancz acknowledges the presence of energy centers named chakras by ancient Yogi’s. Yoga practice increases circulation and the spinning vortex-like nature of these energy wheels which correlate with critical nerve junctures in the central nervous system thus intensifying visceral sensations.
Through continued practice, I came to discover that moving into a headstand pose for instance felt like sliding my muscles and skeleton into an energy glove. I sensed that the form was already there in an unseen dimension and I would simply line up my physical body and energy centers into the precise structure. This requires a heightened sensitivity since precise skeletal alignment is critical to overall ease and stability. In this way I have been able to transcend previous limitations and move my body into challenging poses while remaining vibrant, relaxed and pain free. Generally, one needs to study alignment-based yoga with a highly qualified teacher.
I do not lay claim to these writings as totally my own, this wisdom is drawn from many sources and teachers, both those in physical embodiment and those invisible. [read more] For example, I have been tremendously shaped by my studies into the Enneagram personality system. The nine essence qualities as laid out in the Enneagram work became enfolded in how I view my behavior and those of others and how I counter obstacles. [read more] What I do take credit for is my dedication to years of practice in dance, yoga, breathwork and therapeutic movement which began in 1970. My wild willingness and boundless imagination suited me for this pioneering work!
My offering to the world is an artfully designed combination of breath, sound, color, therapeutic movement and thought practiced in a celebratory fashion. This blended approach magnifies the benefits of the Yogic Asanas keeping us poised in the here, now and wow in pleasure and plenty.
Creative Mind, Creative Breath, Creative Voice – An Embodiment Process
Bringing ideas into things begins with a creative process:
- Yearning – We may acutely or vaguely sense a need or desire.
2. Ideas – Our ideas begin to congeal into specific themes.
3. Intention – We focus our mind, brain hormones kick in. We commit to a plan of action.
4. Imagination – As we imagine our heart’s desire we activate the power of passion.
5. Breath – Consciously breathing into our heart’s dream escalates creative energy.
6. Word – The use of creative words begins to solidify or birth our idea into a thing.
7. Consistency – We support manifestation by remembering our dream frequently.
8. Song – By singing or chanting the power of the word is blessed with rhythm, pitch, breath and dynamics which activates the brain more totally.
9. Movement – When we walk, dance or move in anyway with a strong intention to birth an idea into a thing, our dream better anchors itself. The energy of an idea moves from the head, down through the body, then into the feet which root down into the Earth. This is how we consciously connect with the magnetic core of the Earth, the heart of our Tantric Mother. The word Tantra refers to the Web of Life which connects all beings. This describes the essence of the embodiment process.
Embodiment Practice with a Yoga Pose (see https://www.yogajournal.com/poses )
- Place your hands over your heart and remember your heart’s desire.
- Move into a pose, any pose, and practice proper skelatol alignment.
- Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths.
- And or, you can add rhythmic undulation for a feeling of flow, be creative!
- Most of all, breathe bigger, more fully and longer than you usually do.
- Experiment with making sounds or singing phrases if you feel inspired. A chant I found powerful is Uuuu–Ma*. The chant will be on your outbreath and say it with enthusiasm! Say it a few times, enjoy your voice.
- Always take a moment to breath and calm your mind in between poses. Pay close attention at this point since revelations specific to your heart’s desire are likely to bubble up in your mind due to the provocative power of Yoga.
* In the “Story of Yoga”, Uma symbolizes the Goddess Parvati who plays the Wife of Shiva who together invented Yoga poses. Parvati had to pursue Shiva for eons. At one frustrating point in the story, she decides to practice yoga as a last resort when all looks lost. Now, she is saying “No Ma” to her mother who told her yoga was an austerity only for men. Her mom says, “You are a delicate girl, a princess”. Hah! Parvati refuses saying “No, I am the daughter of a mountain and I am tough”. I learned this story from Sally Kempton’s excellent book, Awakening Shakti.
WaveDancz™ Transformative Movement Rates
Yoga Workshops – 2.5 Hour: $25 per person
Private Sessions – 1.5 Hour: $70 or $80 for 2 people
Phone Consultations Rates available upon request
Vero Beach, FL Group Classes – email for info.
Email Char Tara or use the Contact form